Sixth Form & the Community
A sense of community at Roundwood Park
Our senior citizen Christmas Party is renowned in Harpenden! Our Year 12 students plan, prepare and deliver a party every year for around 100 elderly locals who join us from their own homes, care homes and sheltered accommodation. It is a special occasion and the residents are delighted every year as they watch performances from students across all year groups, take part in games and celebrate alongside staff and students in seasonal festivities. They are also treated to Afternoon Tea and Christmas gifts.
Sixth Form students regularly drive other initiatives to care and be a part of our local community, whether it is organising collections for food banks, raising money for local Young Homeless charities or providing treasure hunts for the primary schools. Our tutorial and tutor programmes continue to remind our young people of the importance of citizenship and we encourage both personal and school involvement in the wider community.
Please follow this link to see more about our work in the community across the whole school.