Welcome to BTEC Information Technology
Welcome to the BTEC IT page. I am Sophie Darby the Head of the Computer Science and IT and I hope you find everything you need to support your options decisions. Below contains all the information you need to decide if you want to study the BTEC National Extended Certificate in IT with us. We are lucky to have a very experienced team working on this course, led by Mr Hamilton who has delivered this course with excellent results for a number of years at Roundwood and previous schools. The course has two practical elements in form of coursework assignments that brings the subject to life with real life scenarios and links to the business world. It covers the use of databases, core IT knowledge, cyber security and website development. It is up to date, highly relevant and a great gateway to university, apprenticeships or employment. If you need to know more about the course contact Mr Hamilton (ma.hamilton@roundwoodpark.co.uk)
Please click on the video below to find out more about BTEC Information Technology at Roundwood Park