Rewards & Consequences
Roundwood Park is a a vibrant, inclusive learning community which enables all students to achieve its vision as set out in the attributes and qualities of “The Roundwood Park Leaver”.
We are a well ordered, disciplined school, with very high expectations of students. ‘Creating a Culture of Praise’, the strap line of our Behaviour Policy, establishes the ways in which all members of the school community will contribute to the learning environment and a positive ethos around school. Students are expected to be highly motivated to learn and to exemplify the highest standards of personal conduct. In order to achieve these expectations, we employ an ethos of encouragement and praise for students doing things right, recognising best conduct. Our way of achieving this is through the promotion of Recognition and Rewards, as well as Consequences when necessary.
Students who work hard and achieve well can expect to receive plenty of praise through Recognition and Rewards. Recognition is used immediately in the classroom and is for above and beyond effort, quality work or demonstration of learning habits. These include formal thank yous, Good News Notes, ASPIRE postcards, student work displayed on the classroom ‘RPS Fridge Door’ and praise phone calls home to parents/carers.
Rewards, specifically Merits or Distinctions, are given for teacher assessed work that shows great effort or students working consistently at the high end, or even above, their personal target level; so according to their potential and making them accessible for all. The Distinctions come with a colourful postcard sent home to parents and carers, usually featuring a piece of student art, and the rewards points feed into the Hart House Cup.
Reward Certificates, at rising points thresholds, are also given to students during Form Celebration sessions, that are held half termly. There is also an end of year Achievement Evening where prizes are awarded for those with the highest reward points as well as subject and community prizes.
Subject Roll of Honours are awarded in every subject every term, with the Roll of Honour Boards around school displaying the winners and letters of congratulations sent home.
Finally, School Colours for commitment to school clubs and extra-curricular participation can also be achieved.
Please refer to our summary of Recognition & Rewards.
According to parents feedback the vast majority of students received numerous rewards and very few sanctions. We use sanctions sparingly, but we do use them, and our Behaviour Policy and Consequences grid linked below, more concisely explains how. Should a student receive a consequence, it is highly likely to be because the teacher concerned genuinely feels it is vital to preserve good order or work ethic in lessons or around school, sending a clear message to the student that the behaviour is no acceptable. Boundaries are and made clear to students and applied consistently across the school, so very few students ever collide with them or a subsequent consequence. Where as many students receive Recognition and Rewards frequently to encourage and let them know they are doing the right things and are on the right track, which will lead them to their full potential.