Physical Education
At RPS, we commit a lot of time, staffing and resources to delivering a high quality PE product in which all students, whatever their ability, have the opportunity to thrive and enjoy physical activity. We provide a wide variety of sporting options for all ages and levels
Involvement of students in Physical Education, both in curriculum time and through a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities, helps boost confidence, encourages teamwork and promotes physical, mental, social and moral development.
Perhaps one of our most important objectives is to develop positive attitudes towards an active, healthy lifestyle. In PE, students are encouraged to work hard, apply themselves and set personal goals that are challenging yet achievable. These may be fitness or performance based depending on the activity being undertaken. In addition, students learn to evaluate their work regularly so that they can progress effectively and maximise their potential. Throughout this, one of the overriding features of RPS PE is that of enjoyment; lessons and sessions are delivered to ensure that students develop a love of sport and activity which will stay with them long after they have left us.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9)
Students rotate through curriculum activities on an eight lesson cycle. A wide variety of activities are offered including basketball, cricket, football, netball, rounders, rugby, tennis, athletics, dance, gymnastics and badminton. These options enable students to experience a broad and balanced curriculum which will hopefully encourage them to participate in extra-curricular clubs and sport outside school. The emphasis is on developing positive attitudes to physical activity alongside skill development and physical progression.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11)
Each student will spend four weeks on an activity, before rotating throughout the Key Stage. Using our extensive field space, gym, fitness suite, sports centre and dance studio, students will receive a balance of activities with the goal of further developing their love for physical activity and their ability to perform with confidence. Students also have the opportunity of off-site swimming in Year 11 but are required to make a financial contribution to facilitate this at the local swimming pool.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) OCR
Students will study around ten activities in more detail than at Key Stage 3. They will improve their understanding of these activities and gain appreciation of the tactics and strategies that can be applied in game situations. The practical side of the course carries 30% weighting. In theory lessons, the focus is primarily on the human body and how it reacts to exercise, alongside the organisation of sport in the UK. The following theory topics are covered: participation, diet, training and fitness, skill development and psychology of sport, anatomy and physiology and risk assessment and injury.
Key Stage 5 (Years 12 & 13) OCR
Currently following the OCR exam specification. Students examine themselves as sports people as well as the world of sport and exercise. Students study the physiological, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of PE, exercise and sport through classroom based lessons. These are examined in the final examinations (three separate exams), which make up 70% of their overall Physical Education grade. In addition to the theory work, students complete an oral coursework element and are assessed in a sporting activity of their choice. This is clearly an activity that they will be heavily involved in outside school. These two non-exam assessment (NEA) components are worth 30%. In recent years, students taking A-level PE have gone on to study Physiotherapy, Sports Science, PE teaching and/or Sports coaching and Sports and Leisure Management.
Extra Curricular Opportunities
We run a wide-ranging programme of extra-curricular clubs and activities. The clubs/teams include: netball, football, rugby, basketball, trampolining, dance, cricket, athletics, rounders and tennis. In most of these, there is the opportunity for students to experience competition by playing in the school district/county competitions and friendly matches (both evenings and Saturday mornings), school games events and school House competitions. We actively encourage dedication from all by selecting those of all abilities to take part in fixtures if they are showing enthusiasm and commitment. At the same time, we are committed to competition and therefore take many tournaments and cups seriously, with a view to students tasting success in Roundwood Park colours.
Our results are regularly posted on our X (Twitter) feed: @RPSPE