Pastoral Care
Roundwood Park makes sure that all students are supported in their development, helped to realise their full academic and personal potential, and give their wellbeing paramount importance.
This is achieved through an active and effective system of pastoral care, which is we believe is essential to be a truly successful school; developing considerate and responsible young people.
We take the wellbeing of each child very seriously because we recognise that good physical, social and mental health are prerequisites for students to be happy in school, so that high quality learning can follow. We make it a priority through our pastoral organisation that each student feels known, valued and cared for as the unique individual they are.
Specifically, the objectives of our pastoral care system are to:
- Help students to recognise and to exercise their responsibilities as members of the Roundwood Park community, in accordance with the values of Roundwood Park.
- Similarly, develop students’ awareness of their place in the wider community and their responsibilities within it.
- Develop students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
- Foster a positive and mutually supportive relationship between school, parents and students, where all are able to contribute.
- Operate an effective behaviour management system, which celebrates students’ achievements, within and outside the school, and makes them aware of the consequences of unacceptable behaviour.
All our students are members of a Tutor Group and pastoral care is organised through a Year Group system. We want students to feel very much part of their Tutor Group, their Year Group, their House and the whole school. The Form Tutor oversees the personal and academic welfare of students and is the first point of contact for them and their parents/carers. The work of the Tutors is co-ordinated by Heads of Year who deal with more serious issues. Our Pastoral Support Officers and Assistants make an important contribution to our pastoral provision and the School Counsellor is available for confidential consultations. The School Nurse is available by appointment to support students with confidential health or personal concerns.
The Pastoral System is designed to allow the academic and personal progress of each student to be monitored and recorded effectively throughout their school careers and for pastoral action to be undertaken promptly and appropriately whenever necessary.
The Pastoral System at Roundwood is designed to put the student at the centre and encourage students to thrive in a caring and supportive environment, where partnerships with parents and carers are paramount.