Home Learning
At Roundwood Park School home learning is set regularly for a number of excellent reasons:
- To encourage good patterns of study and independent learning.
- To check that important knowledge and skills have been understood.
- To prepare for tests, projects or other class-based activities.
- To enable students to undertake longer individual study than is possible in class.
- To provide students with the opportunity to realte their school learning to everyday life.
- To help parents know what their children are studying.
Students’ home learning is recorded on Google Classroom. Tasks will sometimes be set asking students to complete work in their exercise books to be handed in at the next lesson or students will be asked to complete tasks online and upload them to the Google Classroom for their teacher to mark online.
The home learning timetable is a general guide to when home learning will be set, although the timing may vary in order that it links effectively with classwork. Parents are encouraged to support their children’s work by providing a suitable space for study at home and by taking an interest in the work. We are very happy for parents to aid students with home learning, provided this helps the student’s understanding of the work. We ask you to do your best to ensure that students do not copy or have the work done for them!
In particular, we would suggest that you could be most helpful by:
- Arranging for a regular de-briefing session with your son or daughter about their work in school, especially home learning.
- Providing a study space which:
- Is free from interruptions
- Has a good table and comfortable upright chair
- Has space to organise books, dictionaries, pens etc.
- Has good light
- Has no television within sight or hearing!
- Please stop your child from doing unreasonable amounts of work and let us know by writing in the exercise book what you have done. Home learning will not always be easy and may on occasions require some extended study. We would not however, wish any student to become stressed or over-anxious about their work and we do rely on you letting us know if this is the case.
- Do let us know if your son or daughter does not appear to be doing enough home learning. Sometimes this is due to a ‘quality’ problem (the same home learning can take some students 10 minutes and others two hours!), sometimes it may mean that it is not being recorded. There should not normally be any period of more than a day or so without home learning.
- Please write a note to the subject teacher in the exercise book or send the teacher an email, if there is any good reason why your child has not been able to complete the home learning. All staff emails will follow the pattern: initial.surname@roundwoodpark.co.uk
Home Learning Timetables
Revision Links
At Roundwood we strongly encourage all students to spend time outside of the normal home learning periods doing independent study. To this effect, all students can access their Google Classroom via RM Unify (link available from the “Useful Links” tab in the top right hand corner of the website) and access their school email (also from RM Unify).