Welcome to A-Level English Literature
My name is Miss McMahon, Head of English at Roundwood Park, and it is my pleasure to introduce you to the A Level English literature course. The A Level course is delivered with passion and the benefit of years of experience by the team at Roundwood and we have a history of strong results and students going on to take English literature at degree level.
This is an exciting course, which enables you to explore so many different literary forms, genres, and the passion with which writers have communicated their ideas about the world. A Level literature both builds on the skills you have developed at GCSE, but covers fascinating texts that broaden your insights and challenge your perceptions. You will find this course is a perfect blend of literary analysis, politics, history, philosophy and psychology.
I urge you to consider this classic, but dynamic A Level choice. Should you have any questions, myself or any of the English teachers will be happy to answer them.
Please click on the video below to find out more about A-Level English Literature at Roundwood Park