Attendance & Punctuality
Attendance and punctuality are monitored closely throughout the school.
Sixth Form students who arrive at registration late on three occasions in one half term are given a detention of one-and-a-half hours extra study after school on a Friday evening.
Year 12 students are expected be in school from 8.20am until 3.20pm. The only exceptions to this are:
- Attending lessons at other schools or at college
- Undertaking a work placement which is part of their course of study
- Undertaking a sporting activity or community service as part of the Sixth Form Enrichment Programme
- Students may go off site during lunchtime providing they sign out and back in again
Agreed Study Leave - Year 13 students may be offered the chance to request Study Leave after Progress Reports A and B dependent on them achieving or exceeding their target grades. All Study Leave must be prearranged with their Tutor. They must register at Roundwood Park at least once each day.
If students are absent from school due to illness or other unforeseen circumstance parents must leave a message on the absence line 01582 714049 before 8.30am on each day of absence. When the student returns they must bring a note explaining their absence, signed by a parent/carer. The school will contact parents/carers where a student is absent without explanation.
Absence for other reasons, e.g. driving test, university interview, hospital appointment, must be requested in writing at least five school days in advance.
It is County policy that holidays during term time should not be authorised other than in exceptional circumstances. Students wishing to request absence for a holiday must apply in writing to the Headteacher.