We are consulting on changes to our admission arrangements from September 2023-August 2024. We are proposing to reduce our Published Admission Number (PAN) from 196 to 189. We welcome your comments prior to the close of consultation so that our decision fully embraces the wishes of the school community. Should you wish to respond to this consultation, please do so in writing for the attention of the Admissions Committee either by post to the school address or by email to admin@roundwoodpark.co.uk by midnight on Sunday 12 December 2021. We will not be able to acknowledge or respond individually to your comments, but they will be taken into account. At the end of the period of consultation, the Governors’ Admissions Committee will meet to consider any response and prepare a report and recommendation to the full Governing Board who will determine the admissions criteria for September 2023-August 2024 by 28 February 2022.