Georgina Calle [2011] elected Town Councillor
Georgie was elected on 7th May 2015 as a Conservative Councillor for Harpenden North and serve on the Planning B and the Policy and Finance Committees.
Georgie joined Roundwood Park in 2009 in the Sixth Form, having studied for her GCSEs at Wellingborough School. She has just completed a BA in Politics & Modern History at Manchester University.
However from an early age Georgie has shown great interest in caring for others and for politics. She was a Harpenden Youth Town Councillor and had numerous roles working for charities. She undertook work experience with the local MP, the Rt Hon Peter Lilley, and later as a parliamentary intern for Dominic Raab MP. Whilst studying in Manchester she also stood as the Conservative candidate for Rusholme and, despite increased the share of voting, was unsuccessful.