Army Major Nick McGinley ( class of 2001) returned to his old school to give an illustrated talk about his experiences to mark Remembrance Day. The last Post was played by a sixth former and two minutes silence was observed. Nick’s talk was both informative and moving with much that exemplified the human experiences of combat. Following his talk he fielded many searching and heartfelt questions from the audience. Later outside, Head Teacher, Alan Henshall, recited Wilfred Owens 1920 poem ‘dulce et decorum est pro patria mori’ followed bu poems recited by many other students who ‘planted’ poppies in a garden of remembrance.
Nick was then shown around the school by Deputy Head Boy, Joe McNeil, who also organised the Remembrance Day event. Major Nick then had the opportunity, at a buffet lunch in the Head’s office, to talk with the Sixth Form Leadership Team and some of his ‘old’ teachers.