The RPS Newsletter ‘Round up’ features a Spotlight on a former pupils that have been strongly involved in the Expressive Arts. In a November issue , ‘we’ talk to Georgia Danso about her life since taking on music and Performance studies at A level.
“I took Drama & Theatre Studies as one of my A levels. I wasn’t completely sure what I wanted to pursue as a career, however I knew that I wanted to be in a creative industry.
I chose Drama for a number of reasons. Firstly, I didn’t get the chance to take GCSE Drama so felt this was a good chance to utilise my drama abilities and work on basic skills. I participated in extra curricular art activities and wanted to build my knowledge, theory and experience in an educational setting. It was a good subject in combination with my other A Level options (Sociology, English Literature, Psychology); I often found certain topics/skills overlapped and therefore helped develop my understanding. I feel that it helped me gain strong communication skills, the confidence to think creatively, the ability to prioritise tasks, develop teamwork skills as well as create ideas with a range of people in mind.
One of the biggest challenges I faced whilst undertaking Drama A level was having to constantly push myself out of my comfort zone and learning to not worry about how I would be perceived by peers. It was also hard to find the balance between creative development and theory and managing my time to ensure I worked to the best of my capability but within a realistic time limit was always something I had to work on.
After A levels I went on to study Retail Marketing and I enjoyed my course, however it was important that I still kept up my drama and dance as extra curricular activities. Drama was a great experience and has benefitted me in many ways both in my studies and afterwards. It was a very diverse subject that covered a range of topics and required various personal skills such as presentation skills, developing workshops, working as teams in seminars, developing innovative marketing ideas and approaches. My experience studying Drama at A Level enhanced my ability to perform these tasks effectively. It helped with my organisational skills, the ability to work with various types of people, my time management but most importantly my communication skills. From the interview stage to being in the practical work place, communication skills in marketing and any industry are essential to perform a task efficiently and to ensure everyone has the same understanding of what needs to be achieved.
Studying Drama also built my confidence in communicating with people, understanding people in social situations as well as the importance of finding a good balance in life. It has never hindered my opportunities in life since taking the course. It was something I was so certain I wanted to achieve and I am happy with my A Level choices. I personally believe it is best to work to your strengths and to study something you have a strong interest in. If anything, it made me realise that perhaps I should have used my university time to focus more on my creative interests i.e take modules in creative arts, participate in more extra curricular activities etc.
Your parents are very influential and are important people to discuss your options with. Nevertheless, it is crucial that you pick options that you truly have an interest in or may benefit your future career, (if you have thought of one). Like many students, at the stage of my choosing A Levels, I didn’t have a firm idea of what career I wished to pursue but if you opt for subjects that you enjoy and that are diverse then you’ll develop various skills that can be applied to any future role.
Having recently returned from a long travel trip I am now undertaking some freelance marketing work part time until I find the next perfect marketing opportunity”.
If you have a story you’d like to share with us about how studying Art, Music, Drama, PE, Textiles or Photography at RPS has influenced your life since school, then please get in touch with